Monday, November 5, 2007

the letter ' i '

The letter ‘i

In nowadays electronic information century, I noticed the letter i become popular.

Apple has iPod, iPhone, iMac
Honda Has i-Vtec
BMW has iDrive
there is Another car maker I forgot which has this i-Shift
One of the Malaysia electrical appliance maker produce i air-con and i computer too.
Lately I found a webpage introducing
There was a movie named ‘I robot’

I think I want to call my lasapkao the i-kao, then my order gate become iGate.
Coolman the superman is now - iMan
Superwoman upgrade to iWoman

Proton probably will do well if they named the “I” of iswara to i-Swara at the first place. Lolz


Anonymous said...

"i" dunno man, seems like we have to change everything into "i" in the next i time.

= FLoReNcE = said...

hahaha....yes...then in the next i time I should call myself i-Florence as well...heheheh

Anonymous said...

or maybe lasapka to i-sapka
