Wednesday, November 11, 2009


lasapka decided to reward himself after a long hard working year. Therefore, he stepped into the shopping mall, walk while hand scratching on itchy butt.... and spend:

a new phone – RM 293.75
a new netbook – RM 293.75
a new digital camera – RM 293.75
a new walkman – RM 293.75
a new 16:9 aspect movie player – RM 293.75
a new game port – RM 293.75
a 鸡皮ASS device – RM 293.75 and
Radio – RM 293.75

all take home carried in one hand





YO.. the long waited Sony Ericsson lasaptio

sui ley......

now ..wife is nagging for a new laptop...


Joyce said...

new phone – RM 293.75 ???

where u buy de ?? said...

hahaha...RM293.75 X 8....^Q^

pilip said...

fuuuh~ nice Hp ler.. 12.1 MP good la.. make sure post sui sui picture ah..

= FLoReNcE = said...

Walao.this phone not cheap!!!