Sunday, May 25, 2008

Borneo MMSC Drag Race

Today we have the MMSC drag racing event going on. lasapka of course kiasu and will be there to watch the show, especially to view Group A4 & A2. As for photographs, I believe it will be available to view from many other website/forum after then.

Majority of participant are from Brunei, Sabah, kuching and few local. The fastest record done was 10.44sec (if i am not mistaken), hopefully there is another record breaking this time, in this kind of normal not-too-even airtrip surface condition.


Soul Hart said...

Waiting for the yellow 9 secs car to participate in the next event...

Artowawa said...

10.44 secs for 100km?

lasapka said...

artowawa, it is 0 - 400m hit in straight line.

= FLoReNcE = said...

THat day so hot la...not managed to go. :(